Yes. Most restaurants today are very supportive when special dietary requests are made, and will be able to provide a modified option. Don’t be afraid to ask how many ounces of meat are provided, or if butter is used. Don’t be shy. Speak up and ask for what you want!
There are two things you need on the plate: a protein source and a carbohydrate. As it relates to protein, it’s always better to err on a little more than a little less. Protein feeds muscle, which is what you want to keep. All you have to do is say to yourself, “what day of my plan am I on?” If it is a lean day, then you will gravitate to something in lower carbohydrates like salvage or vegetables. If it is a “load“ day, you will gravitate to a starch.
So on the lean days: a protein and a vegetable, and on the load day: protein and a starch.